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Search Engine Optimization
by Willie Crawford

Did you know that you can have your keyword appear too many times on your page? Did you know that if you submit too many pages that look too much alike you could be penalized by the search engines?

Submitting your pages to the engines is not too difficult, but making sure they are ready is hard work. You want to make sure your pages are OPTIMIZED for the particular engine you are submitting to. Each search engine uses a different formula in ranking webpages. This formula determines which webpage will show up as number 1 in a search and which one will show up as number one thousand. Knowing what things a particular search engine weights most heavily and tailoring your pages for that engines in THE KEY to getting a top search engine listing. Structuring your pages so that they place well with an engine is what I mean by OPTIMIZATION.

I personally use many tools in winning the battle to get my clients top ten listings. Two of my favoritie are Web Position Gold software and the Search Engine Watch website. I will go into a little more details on each briefly.

First of all - Web Position Gold. This is a software package that you use to optimize your pages, automatically check your position on the seach engines, generate doorway pages, compare your webpages to other webpages, and even submit your pages.

The feature that I use most is the webpages analyser. With this feature you can select a search engine, a webpage, a keyword and it will analyse your page and tell you how to make it place better at a particular engine. You can also compare your page to the top ranking one or even top twenty pages. The software looks at how many time the keyword phrase appeared in each element (title, metatags, body) of your page. It compares the frequency of your keyword phrase to that of higher ranking pages. Presumably higher ranking pages ranked higher because they followed more of "the rules" at that search engine. They had more of the elements in their pages, in the right place, than you do. They violated fewer of that search engines rules than you did. So if you structure your page similarly, all other things being equal, you should place much higher too.

You can download a Free Trial copy of Web Position Gold from my website. It is a big program so allow about 15 minutes for the download. Download it now from: http://www.williecrawford.com/wpgold/index.html

Secondly, I subscribe to a number of sites that help me keep up with the search engines. My favorite is Search Engine Watch. You can surf over to: http://www.searchenginewatch.com/index.html Danny Sullivan has posted a lot of search engine related articles there. I have probably printed out, read and marked- up virtually every article there. I also subscribe to his ezine. On top of that there is a paid section to the site. Danny goes into a lot more details here. I also subscribe to that portion of the site, which has a separate newsletter.

Staying on top of the search engines takes a lot of work. I probably spend 15 - 20 hours per week just reading about what's going on with the engines. I also communicate with a lot of other search engine specialists. This is an area I have chosen to specialize in and it has paid handsomely.

Optimizing your webpages takes a lot of effort but costs you very little. Do it right, using the right tools, and you will get you webpages in the top 10 (provided you don't choose a too general keyword phrase). If you find that you are too busy to do this for yourself - you can visit my site and get me to do it for you http://www.williecrawford.com


Willie Crawford is a well-know internet marketing consultant and writer. His website is filled with articles designed to help you succeed. Visit http://www.williecrawford.com today! This article may be freely used in your ezine or on your website as long as it is reproduced in it's entirety, to include this footnote and it is not altered.

* Copyright © 1999 Willie Crawford All Rights Reserved *

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