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Questions To Consider When Developing or Upgrading Your Web
by Rod Brooks
Too many companies have put up a web site without a clear
Internet strategy. In some cases the web site was created
in response to a competitor having a web site. In other
cases there simply was a vague belief that these days you
must have a web site. It is no surprise then that many
companies are disappointed with the results.
To maximise your Internet success, you need to develop a
clear Internet strategy as an integral part of your overall
business plan before you spend any more money on your web
site. And to help you do this here are twelve questions you
should consider:
1. Where are you now (in terms of the Internet) and where
do you want to be?
If you don't know where you are going, then any path will
get you there.
Your web site should be an integral part of your business
plan. If it is not then it is much more likely to fail or
at least not achieve its potential. So before rushing off
to a web developer and creating a pretty web site, think
about answering these questions. And don't be frightened to
ask for some independent expert advice. Not many web
developers are good marketing strategists and you should
get your strategy right before you spend any money on
Remember that development costs are often only 40-50% of
the total costs. Maintenance can be 40% of your web costs,
with promotion of your site being up to 20% of costs.
Many people find that a planned phased approach allows you
to identify where you want to go and develop checkpoints to
assess your progress along the way. You don't need, or it
may not be appropriate, or you may not be able to afford to
put your ideal web site up at the beginning. But you do
need a plan as to what you want to do, when you should
publish each new version of your site, and how you are
going to monitor your progress along the Internet path.
2. What are the goals of the web site?
Firstly you need to determine what you want your web site
to do.
Is the purpose of your site to inform, educate, entertain
or sell? Is it supposed to enhance brand equity, lower
costs or improve customer intimacy? What transactions are
appropriate or necessary, and when should they be part of
your web site. How important is it to provide a
personalised experience? What is the user's expected
benefit or response?
3. Who is the target audience?
Now that you have decided what you want your site to do,
you need to determine who will be the users of your site.
(Sometimes identifying the goals and target audience needs
to be done at the same time). And there can be more than
one target audience.
What categorises your target audience, what are their
needs, and can you develop scenarios for them?
4. What is happening in the marketplace?
You should not create your Internet strategy in a vacuum.
What are your competitors doing? What are the relevant
industry and technological trends? Can you identify best
practice sites for benchmarking?
5. What is the content and how should it be organised?
Now you can consider what types of content you want on the
site and what level of detail will be presented. What
functions should people be able to perform on your site?
How should the information be structured and what global
and local navigation aids are you going to have?
Your web developer may be able to help you with structure
and navigation but you must have a big input, as you will
know your business and your customers better than the web
6. How are you going to maintain human relationships in the
digital world?
The Internet can appear to be a very impersonal medium for
conducting business. So you need to make sure you consider
how you are going to create, maintain and enhance customer
relationships on-line.
Therefore, think about how e-mail, chat rooms, discussion
groups, on-line communities and even information can be
used. Do you have an e-mail response policy to ensure
appropriate responses to all e-mail?
7. What do you want your site to look like?
Now, and only now, should you consider what your site
should look like. Users should know where they are on the
site, where they have been, and how to get to where they
want to be.
Therefore, consider issues such as colour, branding, design
and links. What is your policy on the appropriateness of
links? Who monitors links?
8. Where is the site to be hosted?
Are you going to host it yourself or host it on an ISP? Do
you have the resources (especially ongoing resources) to
host it yourself? What services do you want your ISP to be
able to provide? And remember that your ISP does not have
to be local. There is little difference for most people in
uploading files to an ISP in your city or one in another
9. How is the site to be updated?
Remember that 30-40% of your site costs may be incurred by
site maintenance.
How often should content be changed? Who is going to make
the changes? Who is going to approve the changes? How are
the content, software and hardware going to be upgraded?
How are you going to check for dead or broken links?
10. How are you going to drive traffic to your site?
It is no good having the best site in the world if no one
knows about it. Some sites are spending up to 20% (and
more) of their budget promoting their site.
Options are many and include considering possible points of
entry, banner ads, keyword ads, PR, links, offline
promotion, search engine registration, articles in e-zines,
and event or content sponsorship. Many people get expert
advice on how to promote web sites.
11. What are the success criteria for your site?
Too many people simply put up their site and sometime down
the track wonder if their site is working or not. If you
have not determined how you are going to measure the
success of your site in advance then it can be difficult to
be objective. Many people these days do not believe that
you can rely on hits alone as your only success measure.
So it is best to decide prior to the site going live how
you will know if your site is achieving your goals. This
will require a mixture of criteria which could include some
of the following - page views, unique users, time spent on
the site, return visits, revenue, and reduced costs.
However, it should also include measurable business
criteria that are critical to your business objectives. For
example, number of new customers, improved customer
retention, quicker new product development, better
coordination between business partners, and enhanced
customer intimacy.
12. Will any marketing strategies, business processes or
systems need to be modified to fit in with your Internet
Some organisations will need to transform their business in
order to thrive with the Internet.
Do you need to consider the impact on your organisational
structure or functions, your distribution channels, or your
product range? Are there any back-end databases or
information that should be shared with suppliers or
In many companies these changes may not be appropriate yet,
but if you neglect to keep up with the rapidly evolving
circumstances wrought by the Internet then you are at real
risk of being outwitted by a new or existing competitor, or
missing out on new opportunities.
So to maximise your Internet success, develop a clear
Internet strategy as an integral part of your overall
business plan before you spend any more money on your web
site. Time and money spent on developing your strategy will
be well and truly rewarded!
Rod Brooks is a Management Consultant specialising in
Internet marketing strategy. He conducts individual
consultations and group workshops and can be contacted on
+61 3 9646 4310,
rod@abaconsulting.com.au or via
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